Los retos de vivir con diabetes den Puerto Rico

By |2023-01-22T18:01:13-04:00November 14, 2022|News, Uncategorized|

The daily work of everyone in Abartys Health really matters and has an impact on patients’ lives, e.g. to help guide public policy decisions and interventions for people with diabetes who most need help. For example, in the central region, the average Diabetes prevalence of the top ten municipalities rose from 21.6% in 2019 to 26.8% in 2022. The power of the Abartys data for our clients is to visualize de-identified and aggregated patient data including gaps-in–care by zip code, provider, and payer, helping improve patients’ lives.

November is National Diabetes Month and, in recognition, we are pleased with the publication of our diabetes study results making front page news in the Sunday’s edition of El Nuevo Dia news paper. We would like to thank the Puerto Rico Diabetes Association the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust and the Puerto Rico Health Trust, and the Outcome Project for the collaborative work that made this study a reality.

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Read the full article here: El_Nuevo_Dia(2022-11-13)_clip
